July 16, 2022, 6:05 a.m.


Different types of people live on our planet. Some are rich and some are poor. God made everyone the same but the difference is the rich guy can afford a luxurious life but the needy one can't afford one.

A normal middle-class person can live a life with any adjustment, but what for those who do not have a roof on their head, everyday day meal to eat, clothes to wear and all those things that a person needs to survive. Why are we on this planet? God has made us, to help the one who is in need. Living life is meaningful, only when you help others. By helping others, especially the poor ones, we can make our world a place to live. Now, how to help a needy person to make them feel good so that they will also live a perfect life like everyone else.



  • To live without any problem, a person needs a place to live, but what happens if a person does not have a roof on their head. There are lots of deprived people who are homeless and spend their night sleeping on footpath, by the side of the roads. Weather conditions do not care about the disadvantaged people but the poor people have to suffer, whether it is summer or winter, rainy or dry. So, to protect them from these circumstances we should help them. We can seek help from homeless shelters organizations to help these homeless people. We can donate blankets, pillows and a mattress which will be very helpful for them.


  • Along with having a home, food is also important. Food makes people healthy and will boost their physical strength. The nutrients, carbohydrates, protein and all other metals that are needed by our body to maintain the body fit and fine are very beneficial. They can't afford to buy fresh meals daily. Sometimes the circumstances make them compelled to stay hungry. To protect them from starvation we should provide them food. We should have to create awareness in our society to raise funds for their meals. We should donate money to NGOs so that we can help more needy people.


  • Clothes are an important part of our lifestyle, it is like a hygienic barrier that protects our body from surrounding hot and cold conditions. They also protect our bodies from ultraviolet radiation. But the cleanliness will be there only when the clothes will be replaced after every two days and inner garments after every one day. As we can see, more than half the population of poor people wear the same clothes for two weeks or maybe more than that. The reason is money,they can't afford to buy new clothes. We should help poor people by donating good clothes. Donating winter clothes in winter and summer clothes in summer.


  • Along with wearing clean clothes, sanitation is also important. Sanitation is very important to stay publicly healthy and to make our environment eco friendly. But the poor people lack sanitation facility just because of poverty. They neither can afford to purchase healthy things that are needed for their body nor have basic knowledge regarding proper sanitation. They lack information about sanitation and just because of that, ill-health becomes a major cause among the underprivileged people. Organizing free health check-up camps in rural areas is one of the best ways for maintaining their good health and hygiene.


  • To create awareness around the world, education is important. It facilitates skills, morals, beliefs, knowledge and personal development. If a person is well educated, then he/she is capable of doing anything that he/she wants. Every student should be educated in this 21 century. Whether the students are studying in standard school or low-level village school, they are educating the moral values, good habits that are taught by teachers in school. But what for the poor children whose parents are neither able to pay the fees of school nor afford to purchase stationery material for their ward. Around 30% of rural /underprivileged children do not study just because of their family's financial conditions. Out of which 15% of girls are not permitted to study, just because their parents do not know the value of education. They want girls to be occupied with household work. They are also in need of education. Therefore, to make their future bright we should forward our helping hands to help them. We can donate them our old books, textbooks and give them new stationery material like pencils, erasers, pens and notebooks. We can seek help from any local school board to take teaching camp after school for underprivileged children. Therefore, helping needy people is a good thing. Don't help for only the blessings of God, because God does not shower the blessing upon you. Help them with by being kind, show them some humanity, and behave nicely with needy people. As NGOs are doing a great job by helping these underprivileged/rural, needy people. You can donate funds to the NGOs so that they will serve the needy.



Author :

Viyom Verma

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